Building the Brand Interrupts Broadcasts
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Building the Brand Interrupts Broadcasts

Trevor Krueger

Equal Ability Radio's Broadcast Station "Big Ear Radio" is gathering pace as it reaches more listeners and strives to develop new content in readiness for the transfer to live broadcasts.

Something has to go - so we can grow.

Founder, Trevor Krueger, normally presents three hours of new shows each week featuring Acoustic, Folk and Indie Music from around the World, as well as editing and preparing all other content in association with our globally spread team of presenters. But the demands of developing the station are now far exceeding the time available to complete everything he has loved doing for the last 4 years, up to this point. For the time being, he has to take a step back, focus on the business of the charity and leave the broadcasting to his wonderful team.

It's only a short step aside - for a while.

So, until time allows, Trevor Krueger will be running some repeats of his two popular shows, the Trevor Krueger Folk Show and New Moon Rising, while he keeps the house in order. He has recorded literally hundreds of hours of shows which are safely stored in the digital vault waiting for their chance to be aired again, so there will be no shortage of great listening for the short break, and he'll come back all the better with an even more entertaining package of productions to entertain you.

We still have all our other regular fresh new shows every week as normal.

All your favourites are still there to enjoy, in fact you'll hardly notice any interruption to normal service, so just keep listening as usual and stay with us.

It's just growing pains...

We all grow - and sometimes you have to pull on bigger pants! So that's what we are doing, keeping the new bigger, better Big Ear Radio on course.

See you there!