Our campaign to maintain clean lyrics continues
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Our campaign to maintain clean lyrics continues


Big Ear Radio is dedicated to maintaining a family friendly position, offering only music tracks that are suitable for all to listen to.

No one is excluded from this ruling and, while we may miss occasional offending songs, our email is always available for listeners to notify us of anything they consider unsuitable for our station.

All Taylor Swift Tracks Removed from Big Ear Radio

Recently we uploaded a long list of Taylor Swift releases that we appreciate are very popular with the general public. However, as we've discovered she is not afraid to drop the odd "F Bomb" in her lyrics, we have opted to remove all of her music until each track has been fully evaluated as suitable for Big Ear Radio.

We hope to return tracks to the playlist as soon as possible, meanwhile any music that contains expletives, references to drug abuse, cruelty or racism, will be removed from play.

Image Copyright: Unknown

Fastnet Crash Downs Our Website for 3 Days


Firstly, it's great to be back!

Our website was down for almost 3 days this week due to an ISP crash that took countless websites off line.

We haven't been given any explanations yet but as we learn more we may share it here.

Thankfully our broadcast output was not affected at all, so we maintained our program schedule uninterrupted.

Please Spread the Word About Big Ear Radio

However, we did lose the value of an Instagram promotion as our site was unreachable, so please feel free to help us fill the promotional void and tell your friends about Big Ear Radio. The more listeners the better!

Thanks for your patience and for sticking with us, hopefully we're back on track for good now.

Our Team of Volunteers is Growing!


Volunteers are our life blood!

Since we started Big Ear Radio we've had quite a few faces joining the team.

Some have stayed the full course, some have moved on after getting us off the ground and they've left us a legacy of great shows that we can still run from time to time.

Volunteers really are the essential foundation of everything we do, frankly, we wouldn't survive without them and their selfless sharing of talent and content to entertain our listeners.

Of course, Big Ear Radio is all about "giving" - it's why we exist and all that we stand for. As a commercial trading CEO Charity we are able to create income and then - give it away!

It comes in one door and goes straight out the other

The future will be full of opportunities to support those most in need wherever they may be. We can't wait to do as much good as possible.

But, it's not all about US giving, we need the support of our listeners too and corporations, legacy providers, sponsors, grant makers, advertisers etc. Every penny we can bring in is appreciated and guarded carefully, we don't waste anything!

So, if you'd like to be a part of our organisation in any way, please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you. You can email us with ideas and suggestions and you can make a donation via the website.

Email: bigearradio1@gmail.com

Even just listening helps us, so tune in on your favourite device at: www.bigearradio.com or download our Android App for your phone from Google Play.

Be a part of what we are doing and help us help others - maybe you!


Raynor & Cari Celebrate Eurovision


It's nearly May and time for the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest

Who knew that Raynor and his partner Cari are closet Europhiles?

Certainly not us, but indeed they are and their musical knowledge is extensive and makes for compelling listening.

Now, you may think you know all about the Eurovision Song Contest and that you can recall all the best songs from years gone by, but we can assure you this, first of two specials, will blow you away, even if you are not really a fan...

The playlist is excellent!

Raynor & Cari have selected some excellent songs and, we suspect, that if Raynor and Cari weren't there to remind you where these tracks were first heard, you'd have no idea it was the World's biggest annual song contest. Well, we have to admit there is one song that might give you a clue, namely - "Give That Wolf a Banana"... but even that's better than you'll remember.

In the first show they feature the best songs from 2011-2023  and we urge you not to miss it.

It's playing out several times through the week and is listed as "Special Features", the last airing is on Sunday at 5pm GMT.

Don't miss it, it really is a great show!

So many great Presenters - including Beth Williams


If you like a bit of Indie Americana in the company of a knowledgeable and talented presenter, then you need to tune into Beth Williams.

Our lovely Beth is Colorado based and is no stranger to Big Era Radio, she is in fact one of our most established team members.

And, not only does she know all that going on in and around the Colorado Indie music scene, she is also an incredible performer and songwriter.

Check out the schedule

Tune into Beth's next show this week and every week for your essential share of all that's great amidst the Colorado Mountains.

Two Incredible New Jazz Shows


Two New Incredible Jazz Hosts

Our new Jazz hour starts off with "Strumming" hosted by jazz guitarist Ross Morgan who looks at the great jazz guitar players of our time. Ross shares his love for jazz guitar, selecting his favorite guitar tracks while providing us with fascinating backstories about the artists and their music.

The second half of the show features "The A List with John Armato" highlighting the best in classic, cool and up-and-coming jazz. John is a veteran jazz drummer from Kansas City now based in California whose debut album “The Drummer Loves Ballads” received international airplay and wide critical praise. “A List” is shorthand for the best of the best, but it's also short for “The Armato List” – John’s personal pick of legendary jazz greats, outstanding lesser-known artists, and exciting emerging voices.

Big Ear Radio Founder nominated for Award


Big Ear Founder & CEO, Trevor Krueger, has been nominated under the category of "Business Leader / Manager of the Year" 

The Business Success awards are staged in Birmingham on Saturday 29th June. No one can vote, it's all decided by the judging panel, so who knows what chance he stands... but at least he's amongst the nominees!

How exciting!

Now in our third year, the BSN Awards continue to shine a spotlight on the outstanding achievements of businesses and individuals within the UK business community. Open to all businesses, regardless of size or stage, our awards are designed to champion SMEs’ success stories from across the country.

The upcoming Business Success Awards are being held in Birmingham on Saturday 29th June. 

Finalists will be announced in April 2024 once the nominations have closed on 1st April 2024.

The panel of judges, selected for their expertise and impartiality, evaluate finalists and winners based on merit and evidence provided – no popularity contests (Voting systems) here!

So, fingers are crossed here at Big Ear Radio, perhaps you can keep yours crossed for us too!

Schedule Page available on our website


You can now instantly check what's coming up next, or later this week, on our new Schedule page at Bigearradio.com.

You'll also be able to get this on the new phone App, (on its way) along with other features too.

Big Ear Radio - always improving itself!

We want you to have the very best experience on every level so we will always be striving to make improvements to the whole experience.

Of course it takes time to get everything right, but with your feedback and interest, we can do a much better job, so don't be afraid to get in touch with your suggestions, we are, after all, the station that listens to you....



Sadly, we are still having problems setting up our PayPal donations account... For some reason it doesn't want to allow us to accept the support of our listeners...

We'll get it sorted!

But, we do hope we are getting close to resolving the issue and we'll be able to start our campaigning to support all those we are here to help.

Technology, it can be so annoying!!!

Raising Essential Funds


Spreading the Word - Big Ear Style

This week our Founder, Trevor Krueger, was invited as a dinner guest speaker with Rotary International, a long standing global organisation dedicated, as we are, to helping, those most in need, all around the World.

Big Ear Radio is always a popular topic of conversation and Trevor's passion runs deep and true which earned the station a healthy donation and the promise of some essential equipment, not to mention, a very pleasant lunch. Thank you Rotary, we are immensely grateful!

Essential Funding

Raising funds is essential in these early stages of our development as there is plenty to pay for before the public gets fully behind us. So another invite to talk at a future event was also welcomed, there's nothing the boss enjoys more than talking about Big Ear Radio and he never misses an opportunity.

We're currently still experiencing some technical issues with our PayPal donations portal on the website, but as soon as it kicks in we'll be delighted to welcome your donations too.

If you'd like to get behind us, we'd love to hear from you, just drop Trevor a line via the website.

How unique are we?

We've been trying to think of another charity that does so much to entertain its supporters 24 hours a day, but we can't think of one... can you?