The more you listen... the broader your horizons...

"What may surprise you the most... is that we sound just like any other radio station."

Trevor Krueger

Trevor Krueger is a man on a mission...

His dream is to motivate the people of the world to build a better, kinder, more inclusive global society, where everyone aims to live in safe and selfless communities and everyone is treated equally.

True self-worth and status will be judged on what we do for each other and not on what we do for ourselves.

Mutual safety and true quality of life is the objective and safe crime-free communities, the aim.

Big Ear Radio and F.E.A.R.C.E will provide the platforms to achieve this.

We will entertain, inform and support our listeners and build an international family of amazing pro-active people who all want to live peacefully and productively.

You can be a part of that, a part of our international caring family.

As Michael Jackson once sang... “I’m starting with the man in the mirror”.

How about you?

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